Monday, January 19, 2009


So lately ive been really stressed. I dont know sometimes people are so fucking stupid it justs pisses me off. Truth is ill probally never tell them how I feel because I care about them. Alot of people always ask me for help or advice and then they dont take it and then they act as if i never told them anything and they get fucked over. Alot of people always let them selfs get taken advantage of and they never do anything about it and its hard just to watch it. Then to see them do nothing about it. A lot of little things just piss me off. Lately only one person has been keeping me happy.

Anways, grades are coming soon. Hopefully I wont have to retake any classes ; We'll find out soon.

Finals are over, thank god. Alot of the test weren't that hard, it was just the pressure the teachers put on the students and all the rumors you hear make it worse.

Well, basketball season started on jan 7. So far were 2-1 we beat balboa and thurgoodmarshall high school, we lost to washington. Wensday we play misson and we need to win this game.

and big ups to my bestfriend tommy who lately has been going through some bad stuff. Keep your head up high bro, i love you man.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Lincoln Vs De la Salle and Cindy =)

January 1st, 2009

I got to finally see my bestfriend cindy chelsea chin =). It was a good day, we went to stones town and down town to chill and shop around. I had not seen her for like 3 months till yestarday. I had real fun, and hopefully she did to. That was for you cindy, i didnt forget. bye BFF =D i love you!


Lincoln Vs De la Salle

De la salle varsity team, was the #2 team in the state last year. We played their freshmans and JV.

Freshman game = Lost, we lost by 7, cant remember the score, I had 14

JV game = Lost, lost by 40? cant remember, I had 12

Pics from Freshman game and Junior Varsity game, there were about 100 pictures im only going to post a few.

btw, im #3





























Been so long..12.24.08-1.02.09

Well well well, I havent been on here in so long. Ill start this from christmas eve.

I hoped everyone had a very good christmas. I love this time of the year where all the familys get together and its just a nice feeling. I hope everyone got a chance to be with the ones they love and had a good time. Its seem to me though, after each christmas its getting boringer and boringer..oh well. So christmas eve was a fun day, there was a family christmas party at my house. All my cousins, uncles, and aunts came over and we all exchanged gifts. For christmas I got 300 dollars, and a g shock<--- been wanting one for so long now. It was a great day the food was good and the all around atmosphere was great. Christmas day was cool, it was just like any other day for me and my family but it was calm and everyone seemed to be in a good mood. I went to a chinese dim sum restraunt somewhere in south san francisco, the food was great. It was very busy though, and alot of the people were pushy and pissed. People needed to chill out, it was christmas. Saw some of my old middle school friends their, it was all good. WDYWT? Photobucket

No longer the 08, its the 09. 08 was an alright year for me, not my worst and not my best. 09 I just have a feeling things are going to be much better. One of the big things about the 09 already is that im moving, still in the same area just about 5 miles away from the house im in now.

I have a few resoloutions for my self
-Get above a 3.0 in school
-Lead Lincoln to a great Basketball Season
-Stop wasting money
-Get to atleast 5 10 and around 160-170 pounds
-Limit my self to shoes and clothes

Cant really think of anymore, but I know there are way more ill add to this list later.

12.28 or 29. 08

I think it was a tuesday, I went to go to my grand mothers after christmas it was all good, I love her shes the best grand ma I could ever ask for. We went to HUF that day, and she bought me the new pair of HUF satins that came out. I was extremely happy, after that we went to her house I chilled and watch T.v.. I think I was watching a warriors game. For dinner we had lamb, shes the best cook out there! love you grand ma.


1.02.09 <-- got to get use to writing that Today I had a lincoln game against sacred heart, a very good private school in san francisco. I think the final score was 72 to 49? we lost, but i had 18 points. Tomorrow is the last game before the regular season starts. School is around the corner, kind of mixed feelings. Good to get back to school and see all my friends, but down is that finals are coming. Makes me scared haha. Oh yeah, dont think I didnt get any pick-ups while I was gone. Haha, got some of my grails. 2001 Bred 1's and Royal blue 1's Photobucket

2003 Wtap Chukkas


Nike sb dunk Sea Crystals

Huf satin vans

Some shoe photography



I should be doing my home work =]. haha

Well im out, enjoy the pictures I hope to update this more often.